
Panacea is the name of the Greek goddess of universal remedy and has laid the foundation for the development of our new and exclusive steam bath. With Panacea, we have interpreted classical elements and therapies, and forged them into a revolutionary and innovative steam bath experience.
Thanks to its extremely flexible and multi-faceted properties, Corian® is every architect’s preferred material. Accordingly, when creating Panacea, we used Corian® for all the interior features, such as benches and accessories. Corian® is a highly versatile, durable and hygienic material. The translucent glass in the walls and the atmospheric lighting combine beautifully to create an almost immeasurable experience. The Panacea steam sauna features a shifting light and colour therapy called chromotherapy. To create a full therapeutic experience for all senses, Tylö offers the possibility to complement the light therapy with a range of products that are suitable for sound therapy and aromatherapy. The Panacea has Corian® benches, tinted glass walls and a black frame. Manifesting itself through carefully appointed materials and restrained design, Panacea makes a strong and exclusive impression. Our goal has been to create a highly flexible steam bath where versatility and bespoke solutions have been our key focus. The Panacea steam bath has been designed with infinitude in mind. We have therefore created a versatile design which makes the Panacea suited to the most diverse settings. Installation is also very simple and is usually completed within hours rather than days. The Panacea steam bath by Tylö is the epitome of soothing properties. The hot steam envelops the body and soul, releasing tensions and easing stiff and aching muscles. The experience is further enhanced by individualised sound and light therapies, inspired by age-old, natural treatments, which relax and harmonise the mind.
From TylöHelo
TylöHelo, the world’s leading sauna and steam manufacturer. Ever since challenges in 1951, the company, which soon was named Tylö, has remained in Sweden where it has grown over the years. The portfolio has grown with it and is now a complete range of state-of-the-art wellness products based on tradition and heritage, but is continuously adapted to follow the demands of its customers.